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Hi! I’m Olivia,

A student intern with APS Government Affairs Liaisons

At a young age, I quickly found my passion for public policy and advocacy. Being a senior and Eldorado High School, I've had a lot of time to navigate my environment and discover plenty of ways to be involved in my community. My interests were fostered through the clubs and organizations I've joined on campus, eventually being able to lead as a club captain or president. Though, through all the groups I've been a part of, Youth and Government, Student Council, Model UN, Speech and Debate, I've only experienced a mock presentation of what it's actually like. Of course, I've been to the Roundhouse during the session to grasp an idea of the action, but never a behind-the-scenes look into everything that goes into the creation, presentation, and execution of a bill. I'm incredibly excited to dive deeper into the happenings of the legislative session, hopefully being the bridge between students and the people who represent them.


Outside of the extracurriculars and academic work, I love to spend time with my family, dance, read, research current events, and cook. I have 7 siblings, all who've taught me patience, compassion, understanding, and the importance of a double toaster with a large family. My community, friends, and family have been the supportive backbone that constantly pushes me to be a better leader and advocate. I hope this blog acts as a motivator for you as well, showing that legislative affairs affect your life every day, and you will always have influence in those decisions.

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